Bibliographic Sources

Bibliographic Sources

Sketch by Juglaris

Part 1 - Books and articles regarding Tommaso Juglaris or highlighting his work

Aghemo, Maria.  Palera: Cento anni di fede e di storia 18895-1995.  Moncalieri: Chiesa Parrocchiale SS. Trinita, Palera di Moncalieri, 1995.

The American Art Review, Pts. 1 and 2, 2 (January): 108; 2 Second Division (May): 1, 15 (1881).

Angelotto, Cleto.  Commemorazione del Moncalierese Tommaso Juglaris pittore.  Moncalieri: Consiglio Communale, 1925.

Angell, Henry C.  “Thomas Couture.” [Couture Deathbed Sketch by Juglaris.] The American Art Review 2 (October): 239-46 (1881).

“Art” [Exhibition review].  Boston Evening Transcript, June 3, 1881, 4. In Juglaris Album.

“Art” [Portrait review].  In Juglaris Album, c. 1888.  Originally published in unidentified Boston newspaper.

“Art and Artists” [Exhibition review].  Boston Herald, March 26, 1885.  In Juglaris Album.

“Art and Artists” [Portrait review].  In Juglaris Album, c. 1888.  Originally published in unidentified Boston newspaper.

“Art Gossip at Home and Abroad” [Exhibition review].  Boston Journal, May 28, 1881, 4.  In Juglaris Album.

Art Notes: Mr. Juglaris’s Exhibition” [Exhibition review].  Boston Transcript, March 26, 1885, 6.

“Art Notes.”  [Exhibition Review].  Boston Herald, March 30, 1890, 12.

“Art Notes” [Franklin murals].  New York Times, April 25, 1904, 2.

“Artist’s Strange Work Stirs Boston: Odd Painting on Canvas 240 Feet Long is New Finished,” c.1902.  [Franklin murals].  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in unidentified newspaper.

“Art Notes: Mr. Juglaris’s Exhibition” [Exhibition review].  Boston Transcript, March 26, 1885, 6.

“Art Notes” [Portrait review].  In Juglaris Album, c. 1888.  Originally published in Providence Journal, no date.

“Arte Italiana: Tommaso Juglaris,” c. 1890.  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in Turin newspaper.

“Artist Juglaris of Boston at Work on a Wonderful Painting 240 Feet Long.” Boston Post,  September 15, 1902, 8.

“At the School of Design—Clever Work in Decorative Designing, What the Mechanical Engineers Learn to Do.” Providence Journal, c. 1888.  In Juglaris Album.

“The Art Galleries: Mr. Juglaris’s and Mr. Gaugengigl’s Pictures” [Exhibition review].  The Beacon, April 4, 1885, 7.

Barozzi of Vignola, Giacomo.  The Five Orders of Architecture, translated by Tommaso Juglaris and Warren Locke.  Boston: Berwick and Smith, 1889.

Baughman, James C.  “A Toast to Ben Franklin and America’s First Public Library: ’Sense Is Preferable to Sound.’”  Library Journal 111 (October 15): 42-4 (1986).

Beechis fur Paolo, Mario.  Apunti per la Storia di Moncalieri.  Moncalieri, 1950, typescript, 179, 217-219.

Benjamin, S. G. W.  “Daniel Huntington, President of the National Academy of Design” [Juglaris illustration].  The American Art Review 2/2 (May): 1 (1881).

Bermingham, Peter, American Art in the Barbizon Mood, Exhib. Cat., National Collection of the Fine Arts, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1975, 72.

“Big Mural Painting: Uncompleted Work of Tommaso Juglaris Placed on Private View.”  The Boston Globe, October 5, 1902.  In Juglaris Album.

Bonardi, Lorenzo, and Mariaguiseppina Puglisi.  “Juglaris in America: un evento per Moncalieri.”  La Luna 10 (September): 1 (2004).

Boston Advertiser [Exhibition review], c. November 9, 1880.  In Juglaris Album.

Boston Art Club, Catalogue of Paintings and Historical and Decorative Cartoons by Tommaso Juglaris and John W. Dunsmore.  Boston: Mills, Knight and Company, 1881, 6-8.

“Boston Art Club,” [Exhibition review], c. March 28, 1885.  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in unidentified Boston newspaper.

Boston Art Guide and Artists’ Directory.  Boston: Wheat Publishing Company, 1894, 106.

“A Boston Artist’s Luck: He is to Marry a Wealthy Countess—His Successor.”  In Juglaris Album, 1891.  Originally published in unidentified Boston newspaper.

“The Boston Art Club and Studio Exhibitions—Notes, Etc.”  Boston Sunday Globe, March 30, 1890, 21.

Boston Evening Transcript [Exhibition review], c. November 9, 1880.  In Juglaris Album.

Boston Evening Transcript [Knighthood conferred], May 12, 1886. In Juglaris Album.

Boston Home Journal, c. March 23, 1885 [Exhibition review].  In Juglaris Album.

Boston Sunday Herald [Holiday Magazine’s spread on Mlle. Yvonne], August 3, 1947, 2

Bradford, Ned, and Pam Bradford.  Boston’s Locke-Ober Café.  New York: Atheneum, 1978.

Bronson, Elsie S.  The Rhode Island School of Design: A Half Century Record.  Providence: Rhode Island School of Design Archives, typeset, 24, 26-27.

Bullington, Judy, “Henry Bacon’s Imaging of Transatlantic Travel in the Gilded Age,” Nineteenth Century Studies 14 (2000): 63-91

Carpenter, E.J. [Juglaris’s departure from Boston].  Boston Advertiser, c. 1891.  In Juglaris Album.

“Cartoons at the Art Club” [Exhibition Review].  Boston Daily Advertiser, May 30, 1881, 2.

Chadbourne, Janice H., Karl Gabosh, and Charles A. Vogel, eds.  The Boston Art Club: Exhibition Record 1873-1909.   Madison, CT: Sound View Press, 1991, 234.

Chambers, Bruce.  “Sears Gallagher, Boston Watercolorist, 1865-1955.”  The Magazine Antiques 172 (November): 162-9 (2007).

Champlin, John Denison, Jr., ed.  Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, Vol 2.  New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1886, 364.

Chartkoff, Kerry K., and Geoffrey G. Drutchas.  “Tommaso Juglaris: Michigan’s Capitol Artist,” 87.  In Tommaso Juglaris: Un artista tra Europa e America (An Artist Between Europe and America), Gian Giorgio Massara, Maria Luisa Reviglio, Geoffrey G. Drutchas, and Judy Hochwald Trinchero, eds.  Moncalieri: Famija Moncalereisa, 2004. 

“Complimentary Banquet” [Colleagues honor Juglaris].  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in an unidentified Boston newspaper, c. 1886.

Cossalino, Ferdinando Viglieno.  “Tommaso Juglaris.”  Piemonteis Ancheuj 26 (February): 4-5 (2008).

Costik, Sally, “University Restores Painting Owned by Oil Tycoon: Painting Once Hung in Paris Salon and Emery Hotel,” University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Website,, downloaded 10/27/2021.

“Courrier Du Salon” [Salon painting review].  In Juglaris Album, c. 1880.

Cowles Art School.  Art School, 161 Tremont Street, Boston, Season of 1883-1884.  Boston: Art School, 1883.

Cowles Art School.  Art School, 143 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Summer Term in the Country.  Boston: Art School, 1885.

“Current Comment.” [Sale of Paolo Veronese in Venice.]  St. Paul Daily Globe [Minnesota], February 27, 1884, 5.

De Baggis, Paul.  “Restoring Splendor: Mahogany and Murals Shine Again at One Vintage Library.”  American Libraries 35 (April): 308-10 (1990).

“DIA Restores Rotunda Paintings.”  The Michigan Capitol Committee Restoration Newsletter 2 (February/March): 3 (1991).

“Dr. Pagani” [Juglaris supports Italian compatriot].  Boston Post, May 18, 1881, 3.

Drutchas, Geoffrey G.   A Walking Tour of Goddard Chapel.  Medford, MA: Tufts University Archives, typescript, 1982.

Drutchas, Geoffrey G.  “Italians in the Americas: An Artist’s Story, Tommaso Juglaris.”  Italians in Americas Conference, Edward Calandra Institute, Queens College, New York City, April 24-26, 2008.

Drutchas, Geoffrey G., “Artist on Loan: Tommaso Juglaris and the Italian Immigrant Experience in America’s Late Gilded Age.”  Italian American Review 1 (Winter): 52-89 (2011).

Drutchas, Geoffrey G., and Kerry K. Chartkoff, “As Lasting as Time Itself.”  Michigan History 83 (January/February): 14 (1999a).

Drutchas, Geoffrey G., and Kerry K. Chartkoff, “Mystery Solved?” Michigan History 83 (January/February): 14 (1999b).

Drutchas, Geoffrey, and Kerry K. Chartkoff.  “Solving the Mystery of the Muses.”  Michigan History 88 (November/December): 12-17 (2004).

Dumas, F[rancois] G[uilliaume], ed., Salone de 1879: Catalogue Illustre, Premiere Annee (Paris: Librairie Artistique, 1882. See Catalogue des Ouvrages de Peinture Exposes au Palais de Champs-Elysees, Le 12 Mai 1879, No. 1678 T. Juglaris, Promenade a Venise (xvi siècle), Panneau decorative, 73.

Dumas, Francois Gulliaume, ed., 1880 Catalogue Illustre Du Salon (Paris: Motteroz and L. Baschet), No. 1895 T. Juglaris, L’invasione, scene prehistorique, 35.

E. S., “The Pennsylvania Academy Exhibition” [Exhibition review].  The Art Amateur 4 (May): 114-115 (1881).

Exhibition by Tommaso Juglaris of Work Done in Boston, 1882-85 [Catalogue].  Boston Public Library Fine Arts Archives, 1885.

“The Exhibition of Mr. Tommaso Juglaris at the Art Club—Notes, etc.”  Boston Post, c.  March 23, 1885.

Falk, Peter Hastings.  The Annual Exhibition Record of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1876-193.  Boston: Soundview Press, 1989, 275.

Falk, Peter Hastings, ed. Boston Art Club: Exhibition Record, 1873-1909.  Madison, CT: Sound View Press, 1991.

Falk, Peter Hastings, and Andrea Ansell Bien, eds.  The Annual Exhibition Record of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1888-1950.  Madison, CT: Sound View Press, 1990.

Filarte, Ugo de.  “Artisti italiani all’estero,” c. 1890.  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in Turin newspaper.

Filarte, Ugo de.  “Gli Italiani in America,” c. 1890.  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in Turin newspaper.

Filarte, Ugo de.  “Medaglioni”  [Juglaris self-portrait].  In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in Gazetta del Popolo della Domenico, 1884.

Filarte, Ugo de.  “Onoranza ad un pittore piemontese.” In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in Turin newspaper.

“Fine Arts” [Exhibition review].  Boston Sunday Herald, May 30, 1881, 1.

“Fine Arts” [Exhibition review].  Boston Sunday Herald, c. March 25, 1885.  In Juglaris Album.

“Fine Arts” [Exhibition review].  Unidentified Boston newspaper, c. May 28, 1881.  In Juglaris Album.

“Fine Arts: Notable Exhibition of Two Boston Artists” [Exhibition review].  Boston Daily Evening Traveler, May 30, 1881, 4.

“The Fine Arts: A Few Studio Exhibitions—Fine Arts Notes” [Exhibition review].  Boston Journal Supplement LVII, March 29: 1 (1890).

“The Fine Arts: Cartoons at the Art Club” [Exhibition review].  Boston Daily Advertiser, May 30, 1881, 2.

“The Fine Arts” [Exhibition review].  Boston Post.  May 28, 1881, 3.

“The Fine Arts: Mr. Juglaris’s Exhibition” [Exhibition review].  Boston Daily Advertiser, March 25, 1885, 2.

“The Fine Arts—Mr. Thomas Juglaris’s Studio Exhibition” [Exhibition review].  Boston Evening Transcript, March 31, 1890, 6.

“Fine Arts Notes” [Portrait review], c. 1888.   In Juglaris Album.  Originally published in unidentified Boston newspaper.

Franklin Library Preservation Committee.  The Art and Architecture of the Franklin Public Library [pamphlet].  Franklin, MA: Franklin Library Preservation Committee, 2004.

Franklin Town Report.  Franklin, MA.: Town of Franklin, 1916, 26.

Giacotto, Domenico.  “Moncalieri al tempo di Juglaris.”  In Tommaso Juglaris: Un artista tra Europe a America (An Artist Between Europe and America), edited by Gian Giorgio Massara, Maria Luis Reviglio della Veneria, Geoffrey G. Drutchas, and Judith Hochwald Trinchero, eds., 43-5.  Moncalieri: Famija Moncalereisa, 2004. Giacotto, Domenico and Maria Luisa Reviglio della Veneria.  “Tommaso Juglaris, pittore di Moncalieri, in America.  Mostra internazionale a Lansing U.S.A.” Quaderno del volontariato culturale 5 (May): 117-122 (2005).

Gleanings from American Art Centers [Franklin murals].  2 (January 1): 315 (1903).

Graves, Montie Aldrich, “Letter to Francis M. Cowles,” Michigan State Capitol Collection, December 27, 1887.

Green, Roger.  “Capitol Mystery: Who is the Painter of Dome Figures?”  Lansing Journal, July 23, 992.

“Greetings from American Art Centers” [Franklin Murals].  Brush and Pencil 11 (January): 315-16 (1903).

“The Growth of the School of Design” [Photo: Juglaris in his Providence Studio].  Providence Magazine: Board of Trade Journal 26 (February): 123 (1914).

“A Half-Century of Progress: The Rhode Island School of Design.”  Providence Magazine, September 1913.

Hamilton, Edward W. D., to Dr. Gustav Radeke [Juglaris Resume], c. 1886.  Rhode Island School of Design Archives.

“A Handsome Painting,” Franklin Sentinel, September 18, 1908

Herdrich, Stephanie L.  “Hassam in Boston, 1858-1886.”  In Childe Hassam: American Impressionist, edited by H. Barbara Weinberg, 28-51.  New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Yale University Press, 2004.

“Henry Hammond Gallison: Artist of World-wide Reputation Passes Away,”  Franklin Sentinel, XXXXII /83 (October 14, 1910): 1

Hiesinger, Ulrich W.  Childe Hassam: American Impressionist.  Munich, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 1999, 16, n.17, 28.

Hobbs, Susan A., The Art of Thomas Wilmer Dewing: Beauty Reconfigured, Washington, D.C., and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996, 87-91.

“In Local Galleries: Some Studio Exhibitions—Another Word about St. Botolph Water Colors,” [Exhibition review].  Boston Post, April 4, 1890.

Jarzombek, Nancy Allyn.  Boston Art Club 1855-1950.  Boston: Vose Galleries, 2000.

“Jottings” [Exhiibtion review].  Boston Evening Transcript, May 28, 1881, 4.  In Juglaris Album.

“Juglaris, Aloysius.”  In Alexander Chalmers, The General Biographical Dictionary, Vol. 19. London: J. Nichols and Son, 1812, 180.

“Juglaris, Tommaso.”  In A. M. Comanducci: Dizionario illustrato dei Pittori, Disegnatori e Incisori Italiani Moderni e Contemporanei Vol. 3, 4th ed., edited by Luigi Patuzzi, 1642.  Milano: A. M. Comanducci, 1974.

“Juglaris, Tommaso.”  In Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pittori e Degli Incisori Italiani, dall’ XI al XX secolo, Vol. 4., 313-14.  Milano: Giorgio Mondadori e Associati, 1983.

“Juglaris, Tommaso.” In E. Benezit, Dictionaire Critique et Documentaire des Peintures, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs, Vol. 6, Nouvelle edition.  Paris: Librarie Grund, 1976, 126.

Juglaris, Tommaso.  Juglaris Album.  Moncalieri: Famija Moncalereisa Collection, 1880-1905.

Juglaris, Tommaso.  Letters to Edoardo Calandra, 1893-1902.  Getty Center for the History of Art and Humanities, Santa Monica, CA.

Juglaris, Tommaso.  Memoir, Vols. 1-3.  Selections translated by Judith Hochwald Trinchero.  Moncalieri, Italy: Typescript.  Michigan Historical Center Collection, 1844-1905.

Juglaris, Tommaso.  Sketchbook 1886-1902.  John Hay Library Archives, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.

“The Juglaris Decoration” [Franklin murals].  Boston Sunday Herald, October 12, 1902, 30.

Kasparian, Lance.  “The Stained Glass Work of Donald McDonald of Boston: A Preliminary Study.”  Journal of Stained Glass 28 (American Edition): 12-30 (2004).

Koehler, S. R., “The Exhibitions. III. Second Annual Exhibition of the Philadelphia Society of Artists (Opened November 1, closed December 6).” [Juglaris Sketch.] The American Art Review 2 (January): 108 (1881).

The [Lansing] State Republican.  Pts. 1, 2, 3, and 4 [Semi-Centennial festivities and labor agitation],  March 26; March 28; April 22; September 22, 1886; June 3, 1887.

Lathrop, George Parsons.  “Exhibition of Works by Living American Artists at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Opened November 9.  To close December 20, 1880).” [Exhibition review;  frontpiece sketch of Juglaris’s Paul Veronese at Venice and other illustrations]  The American Art Review [Living American Artists Exhibition] 2 (December): viii, 65 (1880).

Lewis, Arnold, James Turner, and Steven McQuillen, editors.  The Opulent Interiors of the Gilded Age: All 203 Photographs from “Artistic Houses.”  New York: Dover Publications, 1987.

“Living American Artists Exhibition at the Boston Museum of Art Scheduled for November-December 1880.”  In Juglaris Album, 1880.  Originally published in unidentified Boston newspaper.

Lockman, DeWitt Clinton.  Interview with Childe Hassam, January 25, 1927.  DeWitt Clellan Lockman Papers, New York Historical Society, Archives of American art microfilm, reel 503.  Lyons, A.C. Invitation to Boston (New York: Barrows & Company, Inc., 1947), 223-24.

Massachusetts Commonwealth Death Records, 357: (Katie Juglaris) 135, and (Marianne Juglaris) 196 (1884).

“The Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,” The Spirit of ’76, 3  (December): 398 (1896).

Massara, Gian Giorgio, Maria Luisa Reviglio della Veneria, Geoffrey G. Drutchas, and Judith Hochwald Trinchero, eds. Tommaso Juglaris: Un artista tra Europe e America (An Artist Between Europe and America).  Moncalieri, Italy: Famija Moncalereisa, 2004.

Miner, George Leland.  Angell’s Lane: The History of a Little Street in Providence.  Providence: Akerman-Standard Press, 1948, xiii.

Mostre di Pittura: Tommaso Juglaris [Exhibition catalogue].  Moncalieri: Gruppo Amici dello Spettacolo, October 1960.

Museum of Fine Arts.  Exhibition of Works by Living American Artists, Nov. 9 to Dec. 29, 1880 [Catalogue].  Boston: Alfred Mudge Son, 1880.

New England Conservatory of Music Calendar.  Boston: New England Conservatory of Music, 1890-91.

“Noted Artist Passes Away,” Cambridge Chronicle, October 15, 1910, 1, 4

Occhiena, Enrico, Maria Grazia Imariso, and Diego Surace.  Moncalieri Riflessa: tra permanenze, documenti e memoria.  Moncalieri: Citta di Moncalieri/ Edzioni Famija Moncalereisa, 1999, 136.

“Opening of the New Public Hall, Barnsley, Yesterday.”  Barnsley [England] Chronicle, January 26, 1878, 8.

Peters, John A., and Nina C. Santoro.  A History of America’s First Public Library at Franklin, Massachusetts, 1790-1990: ‘Sense Being Preferable to Sound.’”  Franklin, MA: Franklin Public  Library, 1995.

“Picture 240 Feet Long: Italian Artist is Painting Canvas for Memorial Building.”  The Inter Ocean [Chicago].  September 28, 1902, 42.  Article syndicated in Pittsburgh Daily Post, October 19, 1902, 38, and The Scranton Republican, October 27, 1902, 7.

“Progress of Mural Art” [Franklin murals].  Democrat and Chronicle [Rochester, New York], November 14, 1902, 6.

Racinet, Charles- August.  The Complete Costume History. [Juglaris illustrations.]  Koln: Taschen, [1876-1888] 2003.  Originally published as Le costume historique, Vols. 1-6.  Paris: Didot-Firmin.

Ray Memorial.  Franklin, MA: Ray Memorial Association, 1904.  Franklin Public Library Archives.

“Ray Memorial in Franklin: Building of Classic Beauty to Contain Juglaris Panels.”  Boston Sunday Herald, October 19, 1902, 21.

Rebaudengo, Dina.  Un saluto da Moncalieri.  Moncalieri: Famija Moncaleriesa, 1973, 108.

“Recuperato e restaurato il bassorilievo del Bistolfi raffigurante Tommaso Juglaris (1844-1925).” La Luna (December): 6 (2001).

Reviglio della Veneria, Maria Luisa.  “In Mostra al Michigan Historical Museum: Negli Stati Uniti oltre 60 opere del pittore Tommaso Juglaris.”  La Luna 10 (September): 1, 4-5 (2004).

Reviglio della Veneria, Maria Luisa.  “Un pittore a Boston: Tommaso Juglaris (1844-1925).”  Il giorno delle Radici (September): 102-110 (2006).

Reviglio della Veneria, Maria Luisa.  “Tommaso Juglaris.”  In Pittori dell’Ottocento in Piemonte: Arte e cultura figurativa 1895-1920, edited by Piergorgio Dragone, 340.  Turin: UniCredit, 2003.

Russell, Benjamin.  “Boston.”  Holiday Magazine 2 (August): 32 (1947).

Saloon Passenger List, RMS City of Chester, Inman Line, Departing Liverpool, England, September 2, 1884.

Sargent, Irene.  “The Ray Memorial Library, at Franklin, Massachusetts.”  The Craftsman 8 (April-September): 14-44 (1905b).

“Sayings and Doings” [Sale of Paolo Veronese at Venice].  The Inter Ocean [Chicago, Illinois]. October 20, 1883, 9.

Schiavo, Giovanni Ermenegildo.  “In the World of Art.”  Four Centuries of Italian-American History, 3rd American Edition.  New York: Vigo Press, 1956, 237-238.

“School of Design, It is an Institution of Very Great Usefulness, And Owes Its Origin to a Few Public spirited Women—Instruction is Made as Practical as Possible.”  Providence Evening Telegraph, c. 1890-91.  In Juglaris Album.

“The School of Design: Meritorious Exhibition of Works of American Artists.”  Providence Journal, April 17, 1885.  In Juglaris Album.

Sott, Annette, “Marcia Oakes Woodbury and Religious Identity in Mode ren Dochter: Het Geheele Leven,” 56/1 Archives of American Art Journal (Spring 2017): 24-41.For Woodbury’s studies with Tommaso Juglaris, see page 27.

Slocum, Grace, “Juglaris-Tommaso.”  Who’s Who in Rhode Island Art.  Providence: Typescript, 1945.

Smith, Dexter.  Cyclopedia of Boston and Vicinity.  Boston: Cashin Smith, 1886, 13.

“S.S. Peter and Paul’s Church: Handsome Effect of New Decorations and Improvements.”  [Boston] Tuesday Evening Herald, April 14, 1891.

“Studio Notes.”  The Studio 3: 53-54, 95-96 (1884).

Tait, John R.  “Michael Munkacsy” [Juglaris illustration].  The American Art Review 2/2 (May): 15 (1881).

“Tommaso Juglaris Art School” [Advertisement].  American Art Illustrated 1 (October): ix (1886).

Turner, Margaret Storrs.  “The Ray Memorial Library, Franklin, Mass.”  The New England Magazine 32 (April): 199-207 (1905).

“Two Artist Friends: Tommaso Juglaris and Henry H. Gallison.”  The Craftsman 8 (April-September): 43-54 (1905).

“UPB to Unveil Painting, Premiere Film,” The Bradford Era (October 21, 2021), Bradford, Pennsylvania.

“Un Cavaliere della Corona d’Italia.”  In Juglaris Album, c. 1886.  Originally published in an Italian language newspaper.

Vollmer, Hans.  “Juglaris, Tommaso.” Allegemeines Lexikon Der Kunster Von Der Antike Bis Zur Gergenwart Bergrundet Von Ulrich Und Felix Becker, Vol. 19.  Leipzig: Verlag Von E. A. Seeman, 1926, 301.

Wassell, Stephen R.  “Book Review: Giacomo Da Vignola.”  Nexus Network Journal 2 (April): 2-6 (2000).

Weinberg, Kimberly Marcott, “Lost and Found: Pitt-Bradford Restores a 19th Century Masterwork Lost for 55 Years,” Portraits – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford (Winter 2021): 16-21.

Wenstrom, David Walter, editor.  A Light from Heaven: The Sanctuary Windows of the Newton Presbyterian Church.  Newton, MA: Newton Presbyterian Church, 1987.

Part 2 - Other relevant bibliographic sources on art, iconography, decoration of government buildings, immigration, labor unrest, American economic development, and Italian-American diplomatic relations

Ackerman, Gerald M.  The Life and Work of Jean-Leon Gerome.  New York: Harper Row Publishers, Inc., 1986.

“Armed Italy—Her Strength by Land and Sea.”  The Illustrated American 6 (April 18): 423-30 (1891).

Avrich, Paul.  The Haymarket Tragedy.  Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984.

Baltz, Trudy.  “Pageantry and Mural Painting: Community Rituals in Allegorical Form.” Winterthur Portfolio 15 (Autumn): 211-28 (1980).

Banta, Martha.  Imaging American Woman: Idea and Ideals in Cultural History.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1987.

Basttistini, Matilde.  Symbols and Allegories in Art, translated by Stephen Sartarelli.  Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2005.

Bell, Hamilton.  “Recent Mural Decorations in Some State Capitols.”  Appleton’s Booklover’s Magazine 7 (May): 715-25 (1906).

Blashfield, Edwin Howland.  Mural Painting in America.  New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913a.

Blashfield, Edwin Howland.  “Mural Painting in America.”  Scribner’s Magazine 54 (September): 353-65 (1913b).

Boime, Albert.  Thomas Couture and the Eclectic Vision.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.

Bolotin, Norman, and Christine Laing.  The Chicago World’s Fair of 1893: The World’s Columbian Exposition.  Washington, DC: The Preservation Press, 1992,

Boorstin, Daniel J.  Introduction to The Golden Door: Artist-Immigrants of America, 1876-1976, edited by Cynthia Jaffee McCabe.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1976.

Braddock, Alan C.  Thomas Eakins and the Culture of Modernity.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Brown, Olympia.  “On the Foreign Menace.”  In Up from the Pedestal: Selected Writings in the History of American Feminism, edited by Aileen Kraditor.  Chicago: Quadrangle Books [1889] 1968.

Brunk, Thomas W. Pewabic Pottery: The American Arts and Crafts Movement Expressed in Clay (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2021), 55-84.

Brush, Edward Hale.  “American History and Mural Painting.”  American Monthly Review of Reviews 34 (December): 689.

Buday, George.  The History of the Christmas Card.  London: Rockliff, 1954.

Cartwright, Derrick.  “Reading Rooms: Interpreting the American Public Library Mural, 1890-1930.”  Ph.D. diss. University of Michigan, 1994.

Carmona, Michael.  Haussman: His Life and Times, and the Making of Modern Paris.  Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2002.

Clayton, Hollis.  Paris in Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under the Siege, 1870-1871.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

Cortissoz, Royal, “Mural Decoration in America,” The Century 51 (November 1895): 100-21.

Cosco, Joseph P.  Imagining Italians: The Clash of Romance and Race in American Perceptions, 1880-1910.  New York: State University of New York Press, 2003.

Cox. Kenyon.  The Classic Point of View: Six Lectures on Painting.  New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911.

Cox, Kenyon, “Puvis de Chavannes.”  The Century 51 (February): 558-69 (1896).

Craven, Wayne.  Gilded Mansions: Grand Architecture and High Society.  New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2009.

Crunden, Robert M.Ministers of Reform: The Progressives’ Achievement in American Civilization, 1889-1920.  New York: Basic Books, 1982.

Daniel Okrent, The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America (New York: Scribner, 2019)

Dalmasso, Franca, Pierluigi Gaglia, and Francesco Poli, L’Accademia Albertina di Torino.  Torino: Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 1982,

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